ACMS, Inc. is proud to announce the arrival of Casewatch Millennium®
for HIV and AIDS (CMHA). CMHA incorporates everything we've learned
over the last fifteen years working with social services and healthcare
organizations who provide direct services to people with HIV and AIDS.
While preserving the success of the past we have added new features for
improved client service and worker productivity.
ACMS, Inc. was founded in 1987 in direct response to the AIDS
epidemic. The purpose was to create a software package to help community
based organizations provide service to people with HIV and AIDS while
working within the confines of small, limited budgets. The software
package that emerged was IMACS (Information Management of AIDS Cases
and Services).
In 1990 we were awarded a federal government contract through
competitive bid to enhance IMACS into a full HIV/AIDS case management
system. IMACS was installed in several agencies across the country over
the next several years.
In 1995 we enhanced IMACS to handle multiple organizations as a
true central system. We installed our first county-wide HIV/AIDS system in
Miami, Florida. The SDIS (as it's known in Miami) has approximately 40
organizations (social services agencies, outpatient medical clinics, and
hospitals) connected through telecommunications to one central server.
After a client signs an informed consent, which is entered into the system,
all of the organizations can enter and share data on a client thereby
eliminating duplication of effort, duplication of services, and minimize
client frustration. Clients can receive services from multiple agencies
without being asked the same set of questions at every agency.
In addition to case management, the Miami providers use the Contract
Management and Billing Modules to produce Dade County Ryan White Title I
fee-for-service invoices, CBC reports, manage HOPWA money, etc.
In April 2001 Casewatch Millennium® for HIV and AIDS was installed
in Los Angeles as the start of a new central HIV/AIDS system for the
Office of AIDS Programs and Policy. In addition to incorporating all
the features of IMACS, CMHA easily handles cross-Title reporting.
Casewatch Millennium® is HIPAA compliant.
Contract Management
and Invoice Processing
The Hillsborough County (Tampa, Florida) Department of Health and
SocialServices selected Casewatch Millennium® to replace its in-house
computer system that had been used to process and track payment of
invoices. As part of its charter, the Department is responsible for
determining General Assistance (GA) eligibility, authorizing and tracking
GA payments, and administering the County's Health Care Plan.
By implementing Casewatch Millennium®, Hillsborough County
increased their control over these areas as well as automating the
management of the Department's Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable
contracts, production of grant reports, tracking client repayment
obligations, customer service tracking, and correspondence. Casewatch
Millennium® is HIPAA compliant.
Children Services
Orange County California Children Services (CCS) uses Casewatch
Millennium®. Historically, the purpose of the CCS Program has been twofold:
to care for physically challenged children by providing direct services
of physical and occupational therapy, and to administer the authorization
and payment of treatment for these children by other health care providers
through County funds or as the Medicaid gatekeeper.
Casewatch Millennium® has enabled CCS to automate the main
components of their operations: appointment scheduling, determining
program eligibility (residential, medical, and financial), authorization
of services, utilization review, claims processing, vendor payment,
correspondence, and reports. Casewatch Millennium® is HIPAA compliant.
In 1996 ACMS, Inc. installed a city-wide case management system
for homeless agencies in a southern California municipality.
Twelve agencies using 96 workstations are connected to one server.
They share client information regarding the services that they
jointly provide. Casewatch Millennium® has a structured informed
consent that enables a client to determine the level of data access
agencies have to their information. This informed consent is
controlled by the client's case management agency. In addition to
standard Casewatch Millennium® functions, the system handles the
HUD Shelter Plus Care contracts and local and federal reports.
Casewatch Millennium® measures outcomes based on key indicator
data tracked over time via case review and care plans.
Casewatch Millennium® is HIPAA compliant.
Managed Care
& Claims Adjudication
St. Joseph's Medical Center in Lewiston, Idaho, selected Casewatch
Millennium® for their managed care program managed by the Lewis Clark
Health Alliance. Casewatch Millennium® is used by the nursing staff for
inpatient pre-certification, case management, and utilization management.
Casewatch Millennium® exchanges eligibility and pre-certification data
with the Blue Shield of Idaho's eligibility and claims processing system.
Polk County Florida Community
Healthcare Services selected Casewatch Millennium® to administer
the county's general assistance program and the county's health plan.
Casewatch Millennium® is used for appointment scheduling,
enrollment, eligibility determination, service authorizations,
medical claims adjudication, and contract management. Casewatch
Millennium® is HIPAA compliant.
Native American Tribes
The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians and the Poarch Band of
Creek Indians selected Casewatch Millennium® to automate their Social
Services Department and Tribal Office Assistance Program. The Social
Services Department uses Casewatch Millennium® to manage clients in
need of general financial aid and to manage their foster care program.
The Tribal Office Assistance Program uses Casewatch Millennium® to
track applications for assistance and the disbursement of tribal funds
to help those in need.
Once the case workers determine eligibility, Casewatch
Millennium® calculates assistance payments and foster care payments.
Casewatch Millennium® produces weekly requests for assistance checks
and purchase orders. These are used by the tribe's Accounts Payable
System to issue checks. In addition, Casewatch Millennium® has been
programmed to produce several federal reports required by the Bureau
of Indian Affairs. Casewatch Millennium® is HIPAA compliant.
STD Casewatch Millennium®
STD Casewatch Millennium® is an information system for surveillance
and case management of sexuality transmitted diseases. STD Casewatch
Millennium® tracks information on the six sexually transmitted diseases
and syndromes that are reportable by law: Syphilis, Gonorrhea,
Chlamydia, Nongonococcal urethritis (non-chlamydial), Pelvic
inflammatory disease (PID-non-gonococcal/non-chlamydial), and Chancroid.
In addition, HIV partner notification work can be assigned and
monitored through the system. Data captured falls into two types:
morbidity and case management. Morbidity data include basic patient
demographics, diagnosis, laboratory, and treatment information.
While these data are also used in case management, additional
information is collected to facilitate public health follow-up.
The additional information includes sex partners and associates who
may be incubating or infected. Also included are the public health
activities undertaken to locate other infected residents.
STD Casewatch Millennium® was developed in conjunction with the
Los Angeles County STD Program.